Die Zahlen der Organic Trade Association un terstreichen, dass man den US-Markt auf keinen Fall vergessen sollte. Fast 40 % des US-Bioumsatzes werden mit Obst und Gemüse bestritten und das wiederum macht eben schon einen Bioanteil von 12 % in der Warengruppe Obst und Gemüse aus.Nicht schlecht.

Die US-Produzenten sehen die Zukunft eher optimistisch: 78 % wollen den eigenen Output steigern oder beibehalten, in 40 % der Betriebe gab es 2010 Neueinstellungen. Das Biowachstum in den USA wird 2010 insgesamt etwa 10 % ausmachen, was angesichts der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Lage eine erfreuliche Zahl ist, wenn auch in früheren Jahren wie 2005 das Bio-Wachstum mit 17% sicher schon einmal noch höher ausfiel. Reotzdem ist es wichtig, dass ein so bedeutender Lebensmittelmarkt wie der der USA den Biotrend stützt.


The organic food industry grew at an 8% rate in 2010, the Brattleboro, Vt.-based Organic Trade Association reports in its 2011 Organic Industry Survey. That was much better than overall U.S. food sales growth of less than 1%, according to a news release.

The organic food industry grew to over $28.6 billion in 2010, and the survey found non-food organic sales topped $2 billion.Organic fruits and vegetables enjoyed an 11.8% dollar gain in 2010, said Barbara Haumann, spokeswoman for the association.Total value of organic fruits and vegetable sold in 2010 was estimated at $10.6 billion, compared with $9.5 billion in 2009, according to the survey.

Overall produce sales in 2010 totaled $27.3 billion at conventional retail supermarkets (excluding Wal-Mart, club stores and discount operations), up 3.2% from the previous year, according to statistics from the West Dundee. Ill.-based Perishables Group.The OTA said organic fruits and vegetables account for 39.7% of total organic food value and nearly 12% of all U.S. fruit and vegetable sales.

The survey found that 78% of organic farms plan to maintain or increase organic production levels in the next five years.Roughly 40% of organic operations added jobs in 2010, and the survey found that 96% of operations plan to maintain or increase employment opportunities in 2011.

While impressive, the 2010 growth range of organic fresh produce of better than 10% was still less than half what it was in the two or three years before the recession, said Steve Lutz, executive vice president of the Perishables Group. In 2005, for example, the Organic Trade Association reported the overall U.S. organic food industry grew at a 17% clip.