

Organic, vegan, fair, gluten-free. Facts, figures and trends about healthy foo

Networking Conference Sourcing Trends 2019 in Hamburg was a complete success

More than 70 managing directors of manufacturers, buyers from the raw materials and organic sector, decision makers from import and certification, in short a top-class professional audience, who came together to discuss market situation, development and current trends. At the start, Ms. Schaack from AMI GmbH was able to shine: good news on the German organic market and the situation of organic farming. Nearly 15% [...]

2019-09-17T11:16:07+02:0012. September 2019|

If organic food still wants to stay ahead … What has to happen?

There is currently no lack of tailwind from the current environmental issues. But the conversion to organic products that are sold and really accepted by the consumer and organic purchases will only succeed if the bio-supply can provide good answers to the current challenges. What belongs to it? 1. Credible, good-tasting and clean composition-ready meat substitutes ready to go. Despite all the adulation of cooking [...]

2019-08-13T07:13:27+02:0013. August 2019|

Organic Trade Association: Now with a real success-story of organics in the US-market

Clean, transparent, fresh, sustainable. Environmentally friendly, animal humane, high quality, social activism. Those traits are all identified with organic, and in 2018 they all helped push organic sales to unprecedented levels. The U.S. organic market in 2018 broke through the $50 billion mark for the first time, with sales hitting a record $52.5 billion, up 6.3 percent from the previous year, according to the 2019 [...]

2019-06-21T09:19:45+02:0021. June 2019|

France is experiencing a continuing boom in organic consumption (and farming)

The numbers concerning organic food from France for 2018 were again and again expected to double-digit growth months ago. With a turnover of 9.7 billion France is in Europe only behind Germany with a turnover of 10.9 billion and thus has a percentage of the inhabitants in a higher bio-consumption than Germany. In the case of foodstuffs for organic products, organic products now reach just [...]

2019-06-12T09:59:17+02:0012. June 2019|

Culinary experience from the new world: Food trends from USA

No one would have thought twenty years ago that they would bring new cookbooks from New York. Today, this is a good idea, and if you have in mind, that Ney York is not equal to the United States, then but always an indicator. Twenty years ago, there was a deli in downtown Manhattan with German brown bread, today you get this already at the [...]

2019-05-30T10:07:48+02:0030. May 2019|

Austria at 9% organic, is that a perspective for Germany?

The current organic results for 2018 in Austria can be more than impressive: The bioconcentration in our neighboring country is well above the German level with still only 5.3% - If you look at the figures for the freshness of sales in detail, it is found that the structure of the strong product groups and articles is quite similar to the German organic consumption profile. [...]

2019-05-09T16:23:21+02:0029. March 2019|
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