A very good result fort he organic development with a quite remarkable part of retail: 5,5 Billion Euro. The specialist section came foreward with more new markets and additional surface whereas all those retailers offering a full assortment had a higher part of the increase. Around one third of the growth has been due to higher prices und bigger part due to increase of sales. Fresh products are almost in the center of organic growth and development.
Looking at details of product ranges we discover that the assortment of organic cooking oil had now for the second year a really remarkable growth which also may be taken as part of the new style of eating with less meat and on the other hand we saw also a growth of consumption of a light variation of meat with sales of organic poultry. Both winner assortments also had an increase of preise as well as the new range of growing product sales like fruit potatoes und vegetable. The higher prices of potatoes and fruit were also due to difficult harvest in 2016,
Looking to basis products we recognize an overall increase of sales around 5 %, which indicates that we have nowadays more a higgher part of the german population eating organic frequently.
So the result: The organic niche did grow in Germany and show that organic food is a vital part of the food business and an important part of retail offer