Also 2012 fairtrade figures seem to be enormous with a growth of 33 % but only a total turnover of 533 Million Euro and major players amoung these have been bananas and roses. Out of the traditional setup of organic and fair only bananas with 88% organic and fair and coffee with 78% organic and fair are part of the initial intention. Looking at fairtrade-rice and fair-trade chocolate only a bit more than 50% are organic as well. And regarding the german per-capita-sales of more than 6 € we see that this is quite less than a tenth of the organic sales per year, really low.
Concerning fairtrade Germany is the the champion of roses: More than 250 Millionen fairtrade-roses were sold 2012 a markez share of close to 20 %. Also the fairtrade coffee is quiter positive with 9.322 tons and a share of the market of 2,3 percent. The organic and fairtrade-champion in Germany are bananas: More than 21.000 tons were sold in Germny 2012, that is 78 % more than the year before, which is a market share of 3,5 %. Bur only a third of the organic bananas have the fairtrade label. Ans outstanding growth from a low level had ice-cream with a plus of more than 200 % Due to the fact that now the discounters Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd and the drug-retail-chain dm have taken the fairtrade-logo for products this offer now has spread over the whoöe territory of Germany and now it is necessary again to get more sweets and chocolate into the fairtrade-system, did explain Mr. Overath, speaker of the system. He also had to consider, that there has been a painful decline on the section of fairtrade chocolate. A lot the small farmers only can sell a minor percentage of their cacao at a fair price and that means that they have nor enough income for their families. Some of them only sell 40 % of their crop at a fair price: That is not a good base for the future.