Concerning food, the word of the year in Germany would be vegetarian. Thats shows the change of mind we see. The image of meat has changed even if the consumption did not change that much. But even duck and turkey and a lot of German poultry seam to be sick. Also a symbolic situation – even not really threatening or harming food-safety.
The question for future years will be: Where does the new vegetarian food come from? People want to know, where the fings you enjoy come from, all the soy drinks, the vegatarian burgers. This question of raw material will betreated on a conference sept 23rd 2015 in Hamburg together with a trade fair two days 23. and 24 sept 2015. There will be present suppliers of every day raw material of organic food, fair food, low allergen food and in the whole: CertifiedFOOD
But before we have also the chance to meet on BioFach in Nueremberg. From february, to we will have the chance to see a lot of new, also vegatarian products there and we will also celebrate the organic award to supermarkets selling and explaining their offer to their clients. The ceremony will be in conference centre the 12th at 17.00 p.m. and afterwards there will be a cocktail with the french pavillion Hall 1. Everybody should feel invited to taste the latest organic food.