High class representatives out of the retails chains from Austria, Denmark, France and Germany had a look at the changes and development of their markets and the organic growth. The French retail-chain Auchan with the first 100% organic supermarket Cœur de Nature, Irma, today part of Coop Dänemark, Norma Austria and tegut, today part of Migros Zürich Switzerland. They all got a top-level award 2013.

23 food-markets good the german award of organic tap adress, amoung them 14 tegut supermarkets. The selected markets are part of the leading german retail-chains Edeka, Rewe, Kaises-Tengelmann, Konsum Dresden. This organic award is given to those food-shops doing an extraordinary organic job. And it wants to be a motivation to do efforts to show clients the advantage of organic food.